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June 14, 2024
Bob Bowman
The global energy supply chain stands at a crossroads.
Energy producers are busy meeting the world’s voracious hunger for power, even as they acknowledge the need to transition away from carbon-spewing fossil fuels. Add to that seesawing oil prices, wars and other geopolitical tensions, tighter environmental regulation, and an acceleration of the pace of change in global markets. On this episode, we learn how Chevron is responding to those challenges, in a conversation with chief supply chain officer Steve Freeman. He oversees some $24 billion in annual third-party spend for the nation’s second-largest energy producer, dealing with suppliers upstream and customers downstream. Freeman also talks about the technologies that are emerging to help streamline the energy supply chain, and the growing need for supplier diversity and diversification. Hosted by Bob Bowman, editor-in-chief of SupplyChainBrain.
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