DHL and IBM have released a joint report on the development of artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology and its potential to change the logistics industry — noting that, in many ways, A.I. is already making profound changes to the retail environment, not all of which are positive.
Internet of things (IoT)-based attacks are already a reality. A recent CEB, now Gartner, survey found that nearly 20 percent of organizations observed at least one IoT-based attack in the past three years. To protect against those threats Gartner, Inc. forecasts that worldwide spending on IoT security will reach $1.5bn in 2018, a 28 percent increase from 2017 spending of $1.2bn.
First they took the factory jobs; next, robots are expected to replace mortgage brokers, paralegals, and accountants. It has always been assumed, however, that jobs requiring human interaction would remain safe.
A high-stakes showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday will determine whether states can force out-of-state online retailers to collect sales taxes in a fight between South Dakota and e-commerce businesses.