In Stanley Kubrick's Cold War black comedy "Dr. Strangelove," the Soviets have developed a devastating "Doomsday Device," to be triggered by a nuclear attack on the U.S.S.R. It's supposed to act as a deterrent, but has been kept a secret. Asks an exasperated American president of the Russian ambassador: "Why didn't you tell the world?" To which the ambassador replies: "The Premier loves surprises."
Infinity QS International Inc. has published a new electronic book, "Transforming the Vaccine Manufacturing Chain: How Pharmaceutical Companies Can Ensure Quality and Accelerate Time to Market."
Leading company procurement organizations reap double the measurable cost reduction versus other companies, while also driving competitive advantage through supplier-driven innovation and risk management. While procurement organizations for leading companies have continued their upward trajectory, most companies only sustained the gains they made between 2008 and 2011.
By now, all manufacturers are fully up to speed on the Securities & Exchange Commission's new rule about disclosing the presence of conflict minerals in their products ... aren't they?
Increasingly, the supply chain and procurement departments are turning to digital solutions, rather than traditional manual systems, to maximize results. Recent research points to a substantial potential upside.
Despite ongoing economic and business environment challenges, world-class procurement organizations continue to outperform the peer group by a wide margin, up to $6m in cost savings for the typical large company. They deliver services at 19 percent lower cost with greater effectiveness and require 27 percent fewer full-time-equivalents (FTEs) per $1bn in spend. For many, efficiency gains have reached their practical limits. What's next?
Eastman Chemical wanted to shift its focus from commodity to specialty chemicals. But the change would necessitate a major transformation of the company's supply chain, and a whole new relationship with suppliers. Mike Berry, vice president of global procurement and chief procurement officer, tells how it was accomplished.