Brenda Hambleton, chief marketing and strategy officer with ES3, details the biggest challenges that consumer-goods producers will be facing in their supply chains over the next five years.
Recent research shows 80 percent of the consumer goods companies surveyed have a formal sales and operations planning (S&OP) process in place, yet more than half rely on spreadsheets while another 26 percent stated they either utilize a homegrown solution or their ERP system.
POOL4TOOL has created a subsidiary to connect customers with their suppliers through electronic data interchange (EDI). The unit is known as POOL4TOOL EDI powered by GDP (Global Digit Post).
Retail marketers love complexity. The more variations of a product they can sell, the happier they are. How else can they command all that shelf real estate in big-box stores? How else can they promote innovation? And how else can they drive their supply-chain managers crazy?
Glen Margolis, chief executive officer of Steelwedge, describes the planning challenges that companies are facing as they cope with increasingly complex demand and supply networks.
Software AG has launched a new version of its webMethods platform. Version 9.5 combines cloud, mobile and social technologies with automated business processes.