Following the Panama Canal expansion in 2016, up to 10 percent of container traffic to the U.S. from East Asia could shift from West Coast ports to East Coast ports by 2020, according to research conducted by the Boston Consulting Group and C.H. Robinson. Rerouting that volume is equivalent to building a port roughly double the size of the ports in Savannah and Charleston.
Whilst welcoming the positive news of rising employment in the United Kingdom, the chief executive of the Road Haulage Association, Richard Burnett, has warned that a chronic skills shortage continues to affect the UK road haulage industry.
Raj India Trading Co. found itself with a happy problem when it switched from importing bulky flower planters to smaller cremation urns: plenty of empty space at its warehouse in the Seattle suburbs.
A small collection of metropolitan markets produce, consume and distribute the vast majority of all U.S. goods, a concentration that puts enormous pressure on specific infrastructure, and demonstrates how problems in one market can spread across the entire country.
Pilot Freight Services has added Retail Services to its repertoire of transportation and logistics solutions. These services involve managing and coordinating the logistics requirements associated with store planning and design, as well as visual merchandising. Under its Retail Services offering, Pilot will expand its work with brick-and-mortar retailers on projects, including opening new stores, rolling out new seasonal displays, and remodeling stores.
Uber's mission is to offer "transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone". And perhaps "everything": it has begun experimenting with local delivery services, with the aim of becoming as disruptive in logistics as it has been in the taxi business.