Yusen Logistics (Vietnam) Co. Ltd. is continuing its expansion in Vietnam with the addition of a new warehouse in Hai Phong City in the northern part of the country.
The shift toward omnichannel distribution has both positive and negative unintended impacts. On the positive side are opportunities to blend and leverage channels; on the downside are organizational and operational gaps. Steven DeFazio, executive vice president at Fortna, offers insights on both.
The future of supply-chain management doesn't rest within a crystal ball or psychic's parlor. It can be found each fall, at a dinner and panel hosted by the San Francisco Roundtable of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.
The goal of intelligent transportation planning is to enable decisions based on what is happening across the entire supply chain, from upstream demand to downstream constraints, in order to create both value and resiliency, says Fabrizio Brasca, vice president of solutions strategy at JDA Software.
Having a visual map that overlays a company's key facilities, suppliers and lanes with actual or potential risks helps enable faster reaction to supply chain disruptions, says Chris Kushmaul, director of supply chain solutions at IDV Solutions.
The Amazon effect is raising consumer expectations for delivery services - expectations that logistics providers are struggling to meet without degrading margins, says Robert Lieb, supply chain management professor at Northeastern University. Lieb discusses this and other trends revealed in the annual survey of global 3PL CEOs.