An influx of sensors relating to Internet of Things technology is generating a growing volume of data to feed the predictive supply chain, and informs not only operational decisions, but also helps analyze the behavioral patterns of workers.
What exactly is "advanced analytics," and how can the concept help companies to gain a better understanding of true demand while propagating accurate forecasts throughout the supply chain? Mudit Bajaj, vice president of advanced analytics solutions with Jabil Inc., offers a perspective.
Lately, it's almost impossible to talk about business strategy without mentioning the transformative potential of big data. Many companies are actively using advanced data analytics, and others are just getting started. But as the beginners are finding out, it's not as simple as just buying some new technology and hiring some statisticians.
Big data is providing supplier networks with greater data accuracy, clarity and insights, leading to more contextual intelligence shared across supply chains.
Most organizations today have access to more than enough data to help improve their operations – the challenge is sifting through and analyzing all that data to find hidden insights so they can make better decisions about the future.
The relationship between the chief information officer and chief security officer (or chief information security officer) can be fraught with tension - and that can be a good thing. Both executives play a critical role in your organization's C-suite, and better understanding these sometimes overlapping roles can only make your business stronger and more secure.
The traditional supply chain and the supply chain management function are being morphed into an integrated value chain. This optimization makes up for a more efficient flow of supplies and products; and more importantly, an emphasis in customer and business value.