The software — plagued by issues that could keep the planes grounded months longer after U.S. regulators have revealed a new flaw — was developed at a time Boeing was laying off experienced engineers and pressing suppliers to cut costs.
An online pharmacy told U.S. regulators it found another cancer-causing chemical in widely prescribed blood-pressure pills, raising new questions about a complex global web of companies that produces medicine for millions of people.
Hundreds of barges are stalled on the Mississippi River, clogging the main circulatory system for a farm-belt economy battered by a relentless, record-setting string of snow, rainstorms and flooding.
Your lengthy career in procurement has consisted largely of being beaten up by top management over the need to constantly cut supplier costs. Along comes digital technology to make your job easier — or take it away.
Beijing’s threat to use its dominance of rare earths in the trade war risks serious disruption to U.S. industry, by starving manufacturers of components commonplace in everything from cars to dishwashers and military equipment.
The impact of the Trump administration’s threats to choke Huawei Technologies reverberated across the global supply chain on Monday, hitting some of the biggest component-makers.