Club W, now known as Winc, was launched to provide online consumers with a curated source of fine wines on a subscription basis. But rapid growth was challenging the company's ability to fill orders accurately and efficiently.
Challenge: A U.S. automotive OEM customer's redesign of one of its car models required Comprehensive Logistics to re-engineer our 640,000-sq.-ft. manufacturing-support facility. This changeover needed to be completed in five weeks.
Barcoding, Inc. has launched its Active Asset Tracker (AAT). The tool draws on the internet of things and Bluetooth Low Energy beacons to provide companies with near-real-time visibility of physical inventory.
The subject of robotics in production and distribution has been dominated by fear, hyperbole and misunderstanding. Critics of the technology would have us believe that robots are poised to take over the workplace, with little or no role for humans. So what are the real prospects for robotics in the supply chain?