BlueStar Inc., a distributor of ADC, mobility, point-of-sale, radio frequency identification, digital signage and security technology products, is now selling the TC8000 mobile computer from Zebra Technologies.
Checkpoint Systems Inc., a supplier of merchandise availability systems for the retail industry, has developed two new products for distribution centers.
Analyst Insight: Labor costs are rising just as the availability of workers is shrinking and turnover is increasing. According to the Census Bureau, 60 million Baby Boomers will exit the workforce by 2025, but only 40 million new workers will enter. Companies must rethink how they bridge that gap and keep costs in-line. Many life sciences companies are reaching a scale where investments in automation help replace manual, labor-intensive operations. But companies must be careful in evaluating automation investments. - Roger Counihan, Life Sciences Industry Leader, Fortna Inc.
In the latest Worldwide Commercial Robotics Spending Guide, International Data Corp. forecasts global spending on robotics and related services to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 17 percent from more than $71bn in 2015 to $135.4bn in 2019. The guide measures purchases of robotic systems, system hardware, software, robotics-related services, and after-market robotics hardware on a regional level across 13 key industries and 52 use cases.
Analyst Insight: Third-party logistics providers (3PLs) will no longer be able to squeeze the wages and benefits of their warehouse workers for cost savings. In the past, 3PLs came in with a lower hourly rate and a lower benefit package, with a mix of contract and full-time employees. The savings from this strategy, along with design improvements, workflow and systems, enabled the 3PL to present a value proposition with a lower cost for operation. - Valerie Bonebrake, SVP, Business Solutions, Tompkins
View Technologies has made commercially available the Echo 300 and Echo 302 smart antennas for capturing real-time data for items incorporating RAIN RFID (Passive UHF) tags in retail, manufacturing and logistics.