Same-day and next-day delivery are not services normally associated with furniture stores, but City Furniture is changing that in South Florida. City's fast delivery program, which began 12 years ago, has become a key competitive advantage and is changing customer expectations for the industry.
As a major distributor of food supplies to restaurants, Quality Custom Distribution must monitor and document warehouse and in-transit temperatures for products ranging across four different temperature zones. A custom designed fleet and tailored solutions ensure supply chain integrity for every customer.
Two Technologies, a developer of handheld computers and terminals, has introduced the N5Print, the newest addition to its line of ultra-rugged handheld devices.
Mark Dickinson, executive sales manager with SSK Schäfer Systems Inc., brings us up to date on the status of goods-to-person automation, while introducing the newer concept of matrix solutions in physical-distribution systems.
Like C-3PO and R2-D2, some robot pairs are a match made in mechanized heaven. Now, a new team, Fetch and Freight, can eliminate much of the efficiency-botching human labor from warehouses, getting that Amazon shipment to your door faster than ever.