New York reinsurance broker Guy Carpenter & Company has estimated that it could cost $3.3bn to cover the extent of losses associated with the Tianjin explosions.
National Retail Federation executives returning from a visit to Bangladesh said a report issued by the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety reflects improvements in garment worker safety they saw during tours of factories and other facilities.
The United States Maritime Administration has issued Advisory 2015-02 concerning possible contamination by hazardous materials caused by the explosions that occurred last month at the Port of Tianjin, in China.
Cyber-security involves many different technical and informational solutions that must be adopted and implemented to position an organization for the greatest chance of resiliency in a complex threat landscape.
The City of New Orleans and private businesses that struggled to survive the devastation of Hurricane Katrina learned some valuable lessons. One of the primary caveats when it comes to business continuity is to mitigate risk by embracing the cloud.
United Launch Alliance LLC is a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and The Boeing Co. Brad Houser, senior manager of supply chain operations, explains the company's mission, and how it crafts a supply chain that's geared toward absolute reliability in support of rocket launch services for government and the private sector.
On average, $10m is the cost of a recall on a food company. Add this to the fact that recalls have been doubling every year from the 2002-2014 period in the United States, and it should worry any stakeholder in the manufacturing and processing facilities. Yet many of them are surprisingly optimistic about the chance of a recall affecting business, and it's their belief of invincibility that leaves them unprepared to weather a storm when one blows up. When manufacturers take a risk on their customers' health, they take a risk on their business’s health.