Emcien Corp. has released a new version of EmcienPatterns, its application for analyzing customer buying patterns by retailers, distributors and consumer packaged goods manufacturers.
Liaison Technologies, a provider of cloud-based integration and data-management services, has acquired Hubspan, the business-integration software vendor.
International Asset Systems (IAS) has introduced ChasssisManager, a service intended to simplify the rental process and maximize asset utilization for chassis providers.
Schadenfreude is the act of deriving pleasure from observing the misfortunes of others. It helps to explain our enjoyment of tragedy, comedy and reality TV. It's also a convenient emotion to access when we read about economies that are in worse shape than ours. We would be well-advised, however, not to submit to the urge to feel superior to the slow-motion train wreck that is the European Union. What's happening in that dysfunctional coalition promises to have severe consequences for U.S. exporters.
Regulations on U.S. manufacturing may reduce output by as much as $500bn this year, according to an industry-sponsored study that cast doubts on President Barack Obama's efforts to trim red tape in the federal government.