To stay ahead of competing ports and technological developments, automation has been heralded as inevitable. Major transshipment hubs and aspiring ports bet their future on automation, which raises the impact cyber risks could have in the long-run.
The growth of e-commerce around peak shopping season is no longer a new story, and this year was no exception. But 2017’s peak season did raise some eyebrows for getting off to an unusually early start, with sales from Nov. 1 to Nov. 22 up 17.9 percent, year-over-year, according to Internet Retailer’s report on the peak shopping season.
Deliveries by drones took a step closer to being allowed in the U.S. after a federal advisory panel agreed on a framework for allowing law enforcement to routinely track the small devices.
Leading jewelry retailers must go beyond a reliance on accreditation schemes to ensure their supply chains are free of slavery, according to a new report.
Shanghai Yangshan Deep-Water Port's Phase IV container terminal started its trial operations last week. The 550-acre, $1.8bn facility is the latest expansion of the Port of Shanghai's complex on Yangshan Island, which has deeper water than the port operator’s mainland terminals.
There were no piracy incidents reported to ReCAAP ISC this month, and the period from January to October was the lowest over the last 10 years, reports the agency.
In Australia's live export trade, the animals' journey from the farm gate can sometimes start with a journey by truck of over 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles).
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