The global supply chain has become extremely complex. Proctor and Gamble has more than 75,000 suppliers, while Walmart counts more than 100,000. With so many suppliers in the mix, companies are finding it extremely challenging to keep tabs on their shipping containers.
Your lengthy career in procurement has consisted largely of being beaten up by top management over the need to constantly cut supplier costs. Along comes digital technology to make your job easier — or take it away.
“Data-driven analytics” describes an approach to warehouse and distribution center management that addresses the challenges of the omnichannel era. But is it ready for prime time?
The latest news, analysis, trends and solutions for big data, blockchain and the internet of things (IoT) and their impact on supply chain management. Big data describes the large volume of data that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis and can be analyzed for strategic business insights. IoT is the means that collects and sends data from a range of “things” — anything from watches to fridges to cars — that are connected to the internet with sensors or computer chips. Learn how companies around the world are using big data, blockchain and IoT for supply chain optimization and competitive advantage.
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