It began in December, with CVS’s proposed $69bn buyout of insurer Aetna. In January, three more corporate behemoths — Amazon, JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway — said they were forming a joint venture aimed at reducing health care costs and improving outcomes for their combined 1 million or so employees.
Technologies that were previously considered futuristic, overly complex, and unable to be financially justified are becoming mainstream. This is no longer "emerging technology" -- it is here, it works, and it is now being implemented, changing the supply chain. Warehouses, distribution centers and fulfillment centers are accelerating their adoption of newer technology solutions. It is time for executives to reevaluate their initial assumptions across material handling and technology solutions. -David Meyers, Principal, Tompkins International
Multiple business influences mean that managing global supply chains in a digital economy requires a new perspective and skill set not yet robust in many firms. Achieving this end state requires transformation of key supply chain activities – one of which is transportation. -Karl B. Manrodt, Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Georgia College & State University; and Mary Collins Holcomb, Professor of Supply Chain Management, University of Tennessee
Supply chain disruption is less about any one new digital technology and more about how companies leverage the convergence of digital technologies for competitive advantage. Supply chain planning and optimization tools have traditionally been constrained by lack of connectivity, visibility of functional silos, and computing power. Different functions use different data sets and points of view to develop their plans. Functions may be optimized, but iterative enterprise optimization supporting execution is rare. -Rich Sherman, Senior Fellow, Supply Chain Centre of Excellence, Tata Consultancy Services
The supply chain management function is still operating in a world of digital potential. Organizations are incorporating social media, mobile technology, and cloud-based services as an entry point but will require more time to add technologies such as blockchain, simulation software, real-time big data and analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity. Embracing these digital disruptors will enable organizations to stay competitive and boast an optimized, agile supply chain. -Vicki Powers, Supply Chain Writer, APQC
The latest news, analysis, trends and solutions for big data, blockchain and the internet of things (IoT) and their impact on supply chain management. Big data describes the large volume of data that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis and can be analyzed for strategic business insights. IoT is the means that collects and sends data from a range of “things” — anything from watches to fridges to cars — that are connected to the internet with sensors or computer chips. Learn how companies around the world are using big data, blockchain and IoT for supply chain optimization and competitive advantage.
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