Companies adopting an intelligent operations strategy to manage their supply chains will be in the best position to succeed in the future — if they have the right talent.
As companies digitize and integrate their enterprise and implement advanced analytics, they are learning that collaboration is the key to market leadership. Collaborative channel relationships are transforming the buyer-seller relationship from transactional to strategic. Working together to integrate and share process information, partners experience performance improvement by focusing on the least landed cost at every point in the channel versus leveraging price. Regulatory compliance for track, trace and authentication can only be realized through digitization. -Rich Sherman, Senior Fellow, Supply Chain Centre of Excellence, Tata Consultancy Services
Research into the "industrial" application of the Internet of Things finds unequivocally that IIoT is transforming supply chains. Most of the implementations have been by early adopters trying to get an advantage over their competitors. Projects have a number of different objectives, but typically fall into: more efficient operations; improved customer experience; or new revenue opportunities. -Dan Roberts, Senior Consultant, Cambashi Limited
Companies are drowning in data, but are low on insights. Exciting advances in analytics are opening up new opportunities for supply chain teams. The challenge is that it means charting a new path and defining new processes to take advantages of new capabilities. The path forward means charting a new direction. It is not an evolution. –Lora Cecere, Founder, Supply Chain Insights
The digital revolution is well underway and big data is no longer just a buzzword found in journals. Instead, data and the direct application of that information is being used to advance manufacturing around the world. This change is revolutionizing the way we look at Six Sigma approaches and application. -Melissa Hadhazy, Associate Partner, Infosys Consulting
The latest news, analysis, trends and solutions for big data, blockchain and the internet of things (IoT) and their impact on supply chain management. Big data describes the large volume of data that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis and can be analyzed for strategic business insights. IoT is the means that collects and sends data from a range of “things” — anything from watches to fridges to cars — that are connected to the internet with sensors or computer chips. Learn how companies around the world are using big data, blockchain and IoT for supply chain optimization and competitive advantage.
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