In a Downturn, Don't Fixate on Price October 27, 2009 SupplyChainBrain Everyone scrambles to survive in a recession. But that's no reason to treat logistics services as a commodity, says Dave Malenfant, vice president of global supply chain at Alcon Labs.Read More
Leggett & Platt: Trade Compliance Lifecycle Management October 27, 2009 Steve Banker, ARC Advisory Group
Public, Private, Hybrid Cloud Computing - We Need Some Definition Here October 27, 2009 Computerworld
Can Wal-Mart's Sustainability Index, Packaging Initiative Succeed? October 27, 2009 Inside Supply Management
One Third of Manufacturing CFOs See Recession Continuing Until Second Half of 2010 October 26, 2009 Grant Thornton LLP
New Book Defines 'Essential Laws' of Supply Chain Risk Management October 23, 2009 Jean V. Murphy, SupplyChainBrain
Supply Chains Crave Digitization — But Not the People to Make It HappenData Management (Big Data/IoT/Blockchain)