Chinese diplomats recently met with their European counterparts in Brussels and Beijing as part of a campaign to reportedly persuade officials to drop the Russian-based blacklist.
Shipments of plug-in passenger vehicles surged to around 27 million units in 2023 as sales jumped in China and the U.S., offsetting slower growth in Europe.
About 88% of U.S.-based small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) will reorganize their supply chains to leverage suppliers in the U.S. or Mexico in 2023.
Forty-six percent of those interviewed said they viewed China as an “ally or necessary partner” compared to just 35% who saw Beijing as a “rival or adversary.”
Some of the issues covered in the proposed policy plan include supply chain resiliency, sustainability initiatives, labor market reforms and improved childcare support.
The region is still recovering from a historic energy crisis that was exacerbated by severe supply cuts from Russia in the wake of its war with Ukraine.