The World Health Organization has said there’s no evidence of people catching the coronavirus via food and food packaging, while China has taken increasingly drastic steps to test and halt imports.
James H. Burnley IV, former U.S. Secretary of Transportation and now a partner in the law firm of Venable LLP, weighs the chances for progress — at long last — on funding and construction of critical infrastructure projects under the new Biden Administration.
Pirate attacks have pushed up insurance and other costs for shippers operating off West Africa, with some resorting to hiring escort vessels manned by armed navy personnel.
President Trump famously tweeted that “trade wars are good, and easy to win” in 2018 as he began to impose tariffs on about $360 billion of imports from China. Turns out he was wrong on both counts.
Damon Pike, international tax principal and leader of the customs and international trade practice of BDO, discusses what are likely to be the differences and similarities between the Trump and Biden administrations’ approaches toward trade.
British businesses probably didn’t expect to start 2021 worrying about wooden pallets after a year of grappling with the coronavirus and a meltdown in the economy.
The auto industry dodged disaster when the U.K. and European Union sealed a post-Brexit trade accord, but not before carmakers announced factory closures and called off plans to make several new vehicles in the country.