Supermarket prices in Britain could start increasing in coming months as food supplies get pummeled by a triple whammy of Brexit, COVID-19 and weather-struck harvests.
Greg Brown, executive director of the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, details the conclusions of a new report, developed in conjunction with the North Carolina CEO Leadership Forum, about current transformative economic trends.
If Prime Minister Narendra Modi's move toward a free market for farm sales succeeds, India could not only feed itself, but become a major food exporter.
David Barton, general manager for North America with ToolsGroup, describes the ways in which various industries are approaching the challenge of planning for demand in an environment of extreme uncertainty.
The Port of Rotterdam is testing technology to manage and trade renewable energy consumption, finding the effort has already made a significant cost savings.
The cyberattack is raising concern about disruptions to supply chains already straining to move goods heading into the usual peak season for consumer demand.