Why On-Shelf Availability Is Critical for Retailers February 24, 2012 Jim Crowell, Director, SCM Research Center, University of Arkansas
How SCM Education Is Changing With the Times February 24, 2012 John L. Kent, Ph.D., Dir., Logistics & SCM Mgmnt. Programs, Missouri State Univ.
Operation Stimulus 2012: A Briefing February 24, 2012 Doug Draper, Event Director, Operation Stimulus
Volatility Becomes Status Quo, So It's Key to Understand Regional Differences on Global Basis February 23, 2012 The Hackett Group
Federal Spending: Lessons in Spend Analysis February 22, 2012 Tom Pellescki, Vice President, BravoSolution
Under Fire from Animal-Rights Groups, McDonald's to Alter How It Gets Pork Products February 16, 2012 The New York Times