Working closely with Haesaerts Intermodal and Procter & Gamble, Dow Chemical Co. implemented a multifaceted plan for significantly reducing its carbon footprint caused by the movement of a crucial chemical from France to Russia.
As I waited to pay for my groceries the other day, a manager instructed a novice bagger on the art of separating lighter items, like the eggs, from heavier ones, such as a 12-pack of canned dog food. Like to like, the boss said; that way stuff doesn't get crushed on the ride home.
The Prophesy division of Accellos Inc. is now including the Drive Axle mobile scanning application of Eleos Technologies, LLC in its Prophesy Dispatch suite of software for trucking and fleet management.
Jeff Metersky, vice president of the Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning Practice at Chainalytics, explains how a new approach to benchmarking can help companies improve their forecast accuracy and why even small improvements make a big difference.
If you're looking for more evidence of the bipolar nature of mobile shoppers, look no further. The Harris Poll people have what you need. In what should be called the NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) effect, some 66 percent of Americans polled said they expect mobile payments to eventually replace payment cards and even cash-but not their cards and cash.
Each year ChainLink Research conducts a survey to provide insights into the business challenges companies are confronting and what methods they may turn to-both human capital and technology-to address those challenges.
Two industry groups have joined to fill the need for a globally harmonized approach to measure and communicate product lifecycles. The Consumer Goods Forum, a global network of more than 400 retailers, manufacturers, service providers and other stakeholders, has partnered with The Sustainability Consortium, which is dedicated to developing science and integrated tools to support informed decision making for product sustainability across the consumer goods industry.