A California congresswoman plans to hold a hearing in about a month to explore the national-security risks posed by China’s dominance of the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain, escalating concerns raised by the Pentagon.
The hidden risk of a protracted trade war goes beyond the most obvious downside of losing valued trading partners, disrupting the supply chain and increasing costs.
Global health regulators sounded a coordinated alarm about the possibility that a stomach drug taken by millions of people could be tainted with the same cancer-causing agent that has sparked a worldwide recall of blood-pressure pills.
Suppliers existing on already thin margins are fearful of being beaten down on price by powerful buyers. So why would they embrace reserve auctions, which end up awarding contracts to the cheapest bidder?
Transportation and the supply chain play a critical role in ensuring the safety of food as it moves from farm to the ultimate consumer, says Wilbur Deck, solutions engineer with Trimble.