The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) has voiced its concern over the potential of significant declines for most federally funded, port-related programs in President Donald Trump's fiscal 2018 budget.
Analyst Insight: Global trade compliance remains a topic that most C-level executives successfully ignore. This should not be regarded as an accomplishment but as a serious corporate deficiency that will affect a company's bottom line and its ability to compete on a global basis. Ignorance of global trade compliance is no longer an option. – Beth Pride, president, BPE Global
VF Corporation, whose brands include The North Face, Timberland, Wrangler and Lee, released its first-ever Forest Derived Materials Policy, which sets purchasing guidelines and commits the company and its suppliers to using sustainable forest materials and products.
China's government pledged to dramatically slow a coal-power building binge that is threatening its environment, saying it would shut down dozens of coal-power plants and stop some new construction.
A few months ago, a representative from Cargill traveled to this remote colony in Bolivia's eastern lowlands in the southernmost reaches of the vast Amazon River basin with an enticing offer.
North America's largest auto parts maker said a border adjustment tax being studied by President Donald Trump would probably hurt the automobile industry, while also increasing the odds that future factories will be located in the U.S.
Another ambitious program for fixing and expanding the nation's transportation infrastructure. With no clear way how to pay for it. Déjà vu strikes again.
Regulatory demands from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will increase in complexity in 2018 with the forthcoming European Substance Volume Tracking (SVT) regulations, and EHS software provider Sphera has released an enhanced version of its Intelligent Authoring software that the company says will ensure companies are able to stay in compliance with the new regulations.