While it may seem that the solution to the truck driver shortage is simply to recruit more drivers, this overly simplified tactic may be contributing to the problem.
Suzanne Offerman, senior marketing manager for Onesource Global Trade at Thomson Reuters, describes the technology needed to avoid forced labor in manufacturing supply chains.
Jamie Rutherford, director of sales for supply chain with Vector Security Networks, describes recent innovations in security for the supply chain, many of them suggested by customers themselves.
Supply chains are in flux, and planners will need to deal with continuing challenges in the near future, says David Food, head of supply chain marketing at Board International.
Companies seeking to decarbonize their supply chains will never reach that goal without the help of suppliers over which they assert no direct control.
Amid strained supply chains, heightened consumer demand, increased regulatory scrutiny and looming economic factors, companies must monitor for changes and implement clear procedures to ensure product safety in today’s environment.
Now is the time to embrace strategies that set healthcare facilities up for success, regardless of whether there’s a surplus or shortage of crucial medical supplies.
Sanctions imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine are having an undeniable impact on global supply chains, but individual companies might have a hard time determining precisely how they’re affected.