Federal investigators found children, some as young as 13, employed by Fayette Industrial as industrial cleaners at meat processing plants in Iowa and Virginia.
The Aviation Supply Chain Integrity Coalition will include senior representatives from American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Safran, StandardAero and United Airlines.
Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia said the levy — which is paid for by traders or utilities further down supply chains — undermines energy security in the wider region.
In March 2023, an FMC judge ruled in favor of charges filed against OCEMA and 11 international ocean carriers claiming they violated the Shipping Act of 1984.
The Liberian-flagged KMAX Leader bulk carrier is being towed back to the Philippines after arriving at the Port of Gladstone in October 2023 and remaining there for five months.
The order will give the Coast Guard authority to respond to malicious cyberactivity, require maritime vessels to bolster their cybersecurity and impose new rules on reporting cyber incidents at ports.