In this conversation with SupplyChainBrain Editor-in-Chief Bob Bowman, Tony Uphoff, President and Chief Executive Officer of ThomasNet, reveals the findings of the company’s latest North American Manufacturing Trends report, covering the fourth quarter of 2020.
Steven Tompkins, director of sector development for agriculture and rail with Inmarsat, discusses the role of satellite communications in ensuring that shipments of the COVID-19 vaccine remain at designated temperatures for safe transport and delivery.
Bill Brooks, vice president of transportation with Capgemini, describes the challenge of distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to outlying areas of the country in a safe, secure and timely manner.
China could import more cotton to replace fiber from Xinjiang that’s being rejected by some Western companies and threatens to hurt its booming textile export industry.
Geraint John, vice president analyst with Gartner’s Supply Chain Practice, reveals the results of a survey in which companies described their current efforts at achieving supply-chain resiliency and agility.
Guy Harrison, general manager of risk and compliance with Dow Jones, describes the risks that companies face today from new sanctions and regulations imposed by the U.S. and other governments around the world.
Businesses and suppliers alike must take preemptive action to rid their supply chains of forced labor, or face irreversible damage to their consumer base.
A standoff between commodities giants and shipping companies is prolonging the labor crisis at sea, with an estimated 200,000 seafarers still stuck on their vessels beyond the expiration of their contracts and past the requirements of globally accepted safety standards.