The more complex a company's supply chain, the more challenging it is to devise a sustainability program that ensures environmental protection from design and manufacturing to packaging and from product transportation to end-of-life disposal and recycling. A comprehensive plan that's truly innovative is called for.
The EPA will stay the course on vehicle emissions and fuel efficiency standards that the agency says will halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. The standards require automakers to double passenger cars and light trucks' fuel economy to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.
Amnesty International has published a report into the practices of major consumer goods multinationals that unpicks the palm oil supply chain and finds evidence of forced labor, child employment and dangerous working conditions.
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority's decision to detain a Hong Kong flagged container ship which dumped food waste in close proximity to Fraser Island in May was affirmed by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal at a recent hearing.
The European Commission has unveiled a series of measures to improve the Value Added Tax (VAT) environment for e-commerce businesses in the E.U. The proposals will allow consumers and companies, in particular start-ups and SMEs, to buy and sell goods and services more easily online, the European Commission says.
British budget fashion chain Primark recently said it was constantly on the watch for any slavery in its supply chain while dismissing the idea that low cost meant exploitation.
A new trading platform to assist buyers of timber in sourcing legal or certified products from all over the world has been launched. BVRio Environmental Exchange has announced its responsible timber exchange index to facilitate the screening of timber products and their supply chains.
Donald Trump railed against the shifting of U.S. jobs overseas during his campaign, but it remains to be seen whether the President-elect will make good on his promises to reign in offshore outsourcing. The Indian-dominated offshore IT services market was already struggling to find its place in a market increasingly ruled by smaller and shorter term deals, cloud computing options, increased automation and intense competition.