Stefan Benett, managing director with Inverto, discusses the challenges of obtaining sufficient production capacity and raw materials to keep Europe’s energy sector on track to achieve “net-zero” emissions targets.
John Rogula, managing director and leader of the enterprise risk management offering of Baker Tilly, provides a sneak peek at a new supply chain risk-assessment tool from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
In September, the National Transportation Safety Board issued an “urgent” recommendation to the FAA about a problem with rudders that pilots use to steer certain Boeing 737s after landing.
China has threatened to raise tariffs on large-engine vehicles and said it will start collecting duties on cognac, in moves that would hit the EU’s two largest economies.
In early October, the CUPE claimed that talks had stalled out over how the MEA manages scheduling, with the union pushing for a better work-life balance.
Boar's Head recalled more than seven million pounds of deli meat nationwide, and shut down the Jarratt, Virginia, plant the tainted meat originated from.