The Reusable Packaging Association has issued comprehensive protocols to ensure the continued safe use of reusable plastic containers (RPCs) for fresh and perishable products in the supply chain. The guidelines encompass washing, handling, storing, packing, displaying and collecting RPCs. They also include rigorous and defined Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP), and hourly, daily, monthly, and quarterly microbiological testing.
Trace One has joined with SGS to create an integrated platform that provides "farm-to-fork" visibility throughout the supply chain for brand owners, manufacturers and suppliers.
Is it feasible to scan every one of the 15 million containers that enter U.S. ports each year? With a new technology, the long-term answer might well be yes.
Analyst Insight: In optimizing their global supply chains, companies focus on quality, cost and service metrics and trying to maximize return on their investments in supply chain projects. What is often overlooked is the major impact that supply chains have on intangible capital of a company – its corporate reputation. – Viktoria Sadlovska, Research Director at Reputation Institute
Exporters can get into serious trouble if they lack an effective trade-compliance program. Attorney Christos Linardakis, senior counsel with the Braumiller Law Group, shares some real-life stories of international sales gone wrong.
Analyst Insight: The pharmaceutical industry is finally sharpening its focus on profitability and efficiency. 2014 saw continued mergers and acquisitions, but more importantly, the acceleration of business focus on core sectors. Now that the impacts of the Affordable Care Act are better understood, the ability to streamline operations into sectors is driving spin-offs, sell-offs and renewed operational pressures. Two key drivers this year involving supply chains will be inventory reduction and control and lean cost reduction. – Brian Hudock, Partner, Tompkins International
Congestion at the U.S. West Coast ports could take as much as two months to unwind, according to port and trade group officials, with retailers and other companies bracing for further shipment delays after the apparent resolution of a months-long labor dispute.
Analyst Insight: SCM World's 2014 CSCO Study shows health and safety is the number one sustainability issue for the fourth straight year. With ethical issues and product integrity coming in a close second and third, it is clear that disconnected sustainability efforts have truly evolved into integrated social and environmental responsibility (SER) initiatives. – Matt Davis, SVP Research at SCM World
Steve Geary, president of Supply Chain Visions, shares stories of "extreme" supply chains in Afghanistan – and tells how those strategies and lessons can be applied in the U.S.