Adform's programmatic campaign technology decreased Audi’s advertising supply chain carbon emissions by 52% helping the car manufacturer bolster the performance of its ad campaign by 65%.
If passed, the law would compel Canadian companies and governmental bodies to provide annual reports outlining their efforts to reduce the use of forced or child labor.
OSHA investigations are currently underway at more than 10 Amazon locations, with pending inspections reportedly planned for dozens of other Amazon facilities.
Trucking companies and congressional critics argued the rules, estimated to cost about $2,500 to $8,300 per vehicle, were too expensive, and came amid driver shortages and supply-chain woes.
Ten years on from the Rana Plaza factory collapse, governmental bodies around the globe are taking on more responsibility for worker safety and corporate due diligence. But it's not enough.
By 2025, Porsche's aluminum will produce 3.5 kg of Carbon Dioxide per 1kg of aluminum used, a rate 60% lower than the primary material currently consumed in Europe.
There’s a need to speed up the import and delivery of mission-critical equipment and time-sensitive spare parts. But the process can be especially challenging in the Middle East and Africa.
The complaint argued the companies issued a “lack of inspections” while also claiming the businesses violated labor rights, including the "lack of freedom of association.”