Attacks against small tankers off South East Asia's coasts caused a rise in global ship hijackings, up to 21 in 2014 from 12 in 2013, despite piracy at sea falling to its lowest level in eight years, the International Chamber of Commerce International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has revealed. Pirates took 442 crew members hostage, compared with 304 in 2013.
A cyber crime occurs every 18 seconds, but few companies are developing proactive plans to deal with a security event before it happens. Involving executives, including a company's board of directors, is imperative for retailers to mitigate the damage from a breach.
Trade between the European Union and Canada is already very strong – and growth is expected to continue as a result of an historic new trade agreement now being finalized in Ottawa, according to the British International Freight Association. The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is said to be Canada’s most ambitious trade initiative, broader in scope and deeper in ambition than the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Despite ships being by far the most efficient form of transport, there is growing concern about climate change, the environmental state of the world's oceans and the air quality close to major shipping routes and ports which has led to ever more stringent legislation on emissions to both sea and air.
Retailers estimate that they will lose $3.8bn to return fraud for the 2014 holiday season, up from last year's $3.4bn estimate, according to a recent National Retail Federation (NRF) survey. Retailers also estimated that 5.5 percent of all holiday returns are fraudulent, similar to last year's 5.8 percent.
Information technology providers who market to the federal government got some holiday cheer as the U.S. Congress and the White House approved legislation to improve the way the government acquires IT equipment and services. The reforms are significant and welcome, and no doubt will facilitate the marketing of IT to federal agencies.