Two capabilities are helping manufacturers and retailers of brand-name consumer goods improve replenishment at the floor and shelf levels, says Kelly Thomas, senior vice president of product strategy and planning at i2 Technologies. These capabilities are the ability to operationally apply insights from demand signals and to collaboratively align measurements.
There is a wealth of retailer data available to help consumer products companies become demand-driven, says Rob Byrne, president and CEO of Terra Technology. But many companies clearly need help in taking advantage of these resources.
Following a number of recalls due to tainted products, the government is getting involved in the process of ensuring food safety throughout the supply chain. Tom Kozenski, vice president of product strategy with RedPrairie Corp., discusses how companies should respond.
John Caltagirone, vice president of supply chain strategy with The Revere Group, traces some of the major challenges that companies face as they prepare - or fail to prepare - for a resurgence in economic activity and customer demand.
The latest supply-chain news, analysis, trends and tools for executives in the consumer packaged goods industry. Learn how consumer packaged goods companies and their suppliers around the world are managing the flow of products across all channels of the enterprise. Experts sound off on forecasting and demand planning, supply-chain visibility, logistics outsourcing, inventory optimization, transportation management, warehouse management, supply-chain security, corporate social responsibility and more.
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