The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) has extended the deadline to participate in its annual Supply Chain Innovation Award, in partnership with SupplyChainBrain.
The conventional notion about online shoppers is that they want it now, and they want it for free. But a new study refutes that assumption, at least partially.
For supply-chain partners, blockchain technology promises an immutable record of provenance, as products pass from hand to hand. And which industry stands to benefit more from that capability than luxury goods?
For years, the world’s biggest e-commerce company has resisted pressure from investors and other stakeholders to disclose more information about its environmental impact.
The latest supply-chain news, analysis, trends and tools for executives in the consumer packaged goods industry. Learn how consumer packaged goods companies and their suppliers around the world are managing the flow of products across all channels of the enterprise. Experts sound off on forecasting and demand planning, supply-chain visibility, logistics outsourcing, inventory optimization, transportation management, warehouse management, supply-chain security, corporate social responsibility and more.
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