Michael Graham reaches into a bright blue tub of bubbling water and pulls out a handful of a dark brown curly substance. It's slippery to the touch, smells like the sea, and tastes a bit like salty kale.
Senate Democrats, emboldened by the GOP's failure to unilaterally pass a health-care bill, are launching an effort to win bipartisan support for the investment of $500bn in taxpayer dollars in infrastructure improvements.
Challenge: For a major luxury apparel retailer, missing and inaccurate data in its suppliers' Advance Ship Notices (ASN) caused shipment delays, lost time spent finding and correcting errors, and bad data polluting the retailer's ERP.
Ro-ro ships carry trucks and other road vehicles across the Baltic Sea and also across Cook Strait, providing onboard overnight accommodations as well as food services. There may be scope to adapt that operational precedent to bypass roadway traffic congestion on the St. Lawrence Seaway.
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