Gordon Pearson, global inventory director with NCR, talks about the challenges his company faces in gaining full visibility of supply and demand, and in dealing with increasing supply-chain volatility.
Innovation of the Year: Smart packaging creates right size box for every item shipped from e-commerce centers
Winner: Staples & Packsize International; Runner-Up: PepsiCo; Finalists: LMI, Motorola Solutions, Pa. Liquor Control Board, IBM
The importance of produce traceability has been made devastatingly clear in recent years by well publicized incidents of illness, and even death, due to contaminated lettuce, spinach, cantaloupes and more. While officials in such cases spend weeks tracing the contamination to its source, all growers, wholesalers and retailers suffer market consequences.
General Motors is joining the voluntary U.S. Environmental Protection Agency SmartWay Partnership, which will drive benchmarking of fuel consumption and reduction of emissions by its freight shippers and carriers with the goal of further shrinking the company's carbon footprint.
By leaving much of the management up to its many suppliers of wines and spirits and by postponing transfer of ownership, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board saves an estimated $100m.
Amanpreet Singh, senior director of strategy and operations with Motorola Mobility, discusses his career in supply chain, and outlines the major "pain points" that companies face today, in attempting to gain full visibility of supply and demand.
The latest supply-chain news, analysis, trends and tools for executives in the food and beverage industries. Learn how food and beverage companies and their suppliers around the world are managing the flow of products across all channels of the enterprise. Experts sound off on forecasting and demand planning, supply-chain visibility, logistics outsourcing, inventory optimization, transportation management, warehouse management, supply-chain security, corporate social responsibility and more.
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