A California congresswoman plans to hold a hearing in about a month to explore the national-security risks posed by China’s dominance of the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain, escalating concerns raised by the Pentagon.
Global health regulators sounded a coordinated alarm about the possibility that a stomach drug taken by millions of people could be tainted with the same cancer-causing agent that has sparked a worldwide recall of blood-pressure pills.
Faced with a worsening epidemic of teenage vaping and a mysterious illness stalking users of cigarette alternatives, the Trump administration promised to ratchet up its oversight of a burgeoning but increasingly troubled industry.
A draft executive order would target foreign shippers routing deliveries through the U.S. Postal Service — not the two-largest U.S. couriers United Parcel Service Inc. and FedEx Corp.
A Chinese outbreak of African swine fever that has killed millions of pigs in the country has also led to falling U.S. supplies of a widely used drug derived from the animals, the anti-clotting drug heparin.
The die-off is highlighting questions about the ocean of pesticides used in the country’s agriculture and whether chemicals are washing through the human food supply — even as the government considers permitting more.
Challenge: One of the world’s largest logistics providers was faced with shipping globally sourced drugs from its U.K. distribution centers, and tracking to countries with various regulations was an enormous challenge.
The Trump administration sees the increasing use of Chinese-made active ingredients in drugs taken by U.S. troops and civilians as a national security risk.
Paulette Frank, worldwide vice president for environmental health, safety and sustainability with Johnson & Johnson, describes the ambitious supplier sustainability initiative being undertaken by the global healthcare and consumer products giant.
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