Consumer demand is driving a surge in New Zealand's domestic organic market, and supply shortages have caused distributors to turn to imports, according to a recent report by Organics Aotearoa New Zealand (OANZ).
October is expected to be the second-busiest month of the year for the nation's major retail container ports as merchants stock up for the holiday shopping season, according to a report by the National Retail Federation and Hackett Associates.
The last three months have been some of the worst the multipurpose and project carrier sector has endured in years. The breakbulk and project cargo sector remain weak, with little suggestion that volumes will improve significantly until the end of 2017, according to a recent report published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Last year some well documented supply chain miscues trimmed more than $30m in sales from The Finish Lines' bottom line, and left the retailer with unsold inventory in their DCs and disappointed customers in their stores.
The recent hack of the Democratic National Committee is the latest in a string of high-profile data breaches that have exposed the private information of millions of Americans. Retail companies, in particular, have been hard hit, resulting in millions of dollars being spent to secure computer systems and compensate consumers.
Altrad Group, a France-based manufacturer of construction equipment, is using Bluetooth beacons to track the real-time movements of scaffolding products within a portion of its production facility and warehouse - with plans for a larger deployment.
Challenge: Holding contracts with over 5,000 carriers that handle a range of brokered and high-value loads, the company tracked loads by making time-consuming, inaccurate and ineffective driver check calls, then manually entered location and status updates for customers.
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