Six Tips for Success Using Machine Learning for Demand Planning June 1, 2020 ToolsGroup Machine learning has great business potential, but if wielded the wrong way, it can result in wasted time and resources. Read More
How to Optimize Inventory in the Digital Age June 1, 2020 ToolsGroup Up to 75% of companies are still using spreadsheets to optimize their inventories. There’s a better way. Read More
ToolsGroup Issues 'Instant Replay' for Supply-Chain Simulation May 21, 2015 ToolsGroup ToolsGroup has released Instant Replay, a new supply-chain simulation tool. It allows planners to review historical events and compare multiple scenarios at the daily, customer and SKU-location levels.Read More
Data, Data Everywhere: But Most Manufacturers Aren't Using It to Improve Forecasting June 11, 2012 ToolsGroup By taking some small first steps with their existing data, manufacturers can make some giant leaps in their forecasting.Read More
ToolsGroup Offers Outsourced Service for Optimizing Inventory Targets March 20, 2012 ToolsGroup ToolsGroup, a vendor of supply-chain planning software, has created an outsourced service which feeds optimized inventory targets to customers.Read More
Being Barred from Sales in Canada ‘Worse Than Tariff,’ Says Jack Daniel’s CEOGlobal Trade & Economics