More than a dozen of the world's largest car makers have agreed on minimum human rights, environmental and business ethics standards for their global supply chains, according to the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) in Michigan and CSR Europe in Brussels, which today jointly announced the "unprecedented agreement."
Auto parts supplier ADVICS Manufacturing Ohio Inc. of Lebanon plans to invest $100m in a building expansion and new equipment, the company's single largest investment in its 25-year history in Warren County, company officials tell this newspaper.
Anyone who works in the automotive business can attest the industry currently is enjoying a period of robust demand. At the same time, there is an enormous amount of risk.
The country's automotive supply chain is likely to get affected due to various factors, including escalation of costs to supply chain operations and shortage of professionals, a study has revealed.
Most everyone in manufacturing is aware that today, supply chain is, more or less, "king" of the manufacturing lifecycle. With more globalized supply chains and the trend of working with more and more third parties, it's critical that manufacturers keep a strong hold on the flow of materials from one location to the next.
Mercedes-Benz has been saying for some time now the fuel cell vehicles are coming, and while eyes are on that potential a few years hence, the company is actually investing heavily now in fuel cells for more ordinary purposes in its own logistics operations.
The UK government and the automotive industry are investing £500m ($755m) each to double the number of jobs created or secured in the automotive supply chain by developing an Advanced Propulsion Centre.
A combination of rebounding sales and an unprecedented number of new models in the works has stretched the auto parts supply chain so taut that the entire industry is holding its collective breath that it does not snap and jeopardize the recovery.
The non-profit Automotive Industry Action Group is partnering with automotive manufacturing associations representing the states of Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee to assist in accelerating development of the industry's supply base in the South.
DHL is looking to increase the amount of shipping it does for car companies at the pre-launch and launch stages by offering an integrated approach, head of automotive Fathi Tlatli told the Automotive News Europe Congress in Paris.