The world is overrun by debt. How can companies and supply chains protect themselves from the consequences of massive default? In the U.S. alone, debt currently stands at three and a half times GDP. Read More
Of all the potential disruptions to global supply chains today, terrorist attack might be the least understood, and the hardest to prepare for. Much of the time spent by companies looking to shore up their supply chains against disruption has been devoted to thinking about natural disasters — tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, erupting volcanoes. Read More
Digital devices and the Internet of Things are taking us back to the Middle Ages. If you own any kind of digital device, or spend any time on the internet, then consider yourself a "serf," and the providers of those devices your feudal lords. Read More
"It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future." So said a Danish wit nearly 80 years ago. But when it comes to divining the direction of the economy, why try? Read More
The aerospace giant Pratt and Whitney plans to double production of a new and innovative jet engine by 2020. Proper supply-chain management will play a huge role in the success of the venture. Read More
There are countless ways in which a supply chain can go wrong. And most of the time, the culprit is poor risk management. From contaminated product to bad behavior on the part of employees, companies are constantly facing threats to the reputation of their brands, and the health and safety of their customers. Read More
Corporate whistleblowers no longer have to pay a huge price for doing the right thing. The act of revealing fraud or malfeasance within a company has always been accompanied by huge risks. Read More