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Accellos Inc., a vendor of supply-chain execution software, has developed a new version of Accellos One PerfectPath, its pick path optimization tool for mid-market wholesalers, manufacturers and logistics providers. Version 1.4 extends existing algorithms by adding support for orders to be grouped and optimized in accordance with warehouse zone layouts and rules; it also adds key performance monitoring capability. The update is currently in limited beta release and is planned for general release in December, 2010. In a related development, Accellos is testing a new version of Accellos One Workspace, its composite application framework which serves as the foundation for current and future products. The new Workspace Version 2.1 allows users to draw on the advantages of Silverlight 4.0, Net 4.0 and Windows Communication Foundation, the vendor said. As with PerfectPath 1.4, Workspace 2.1 is in beta release and is scheduled for a December, 2010 general release.
RL PerfectPath: http://www.accellos.com/A1_PerfectPath_V1_4
Workspace: http://www.accellos.com/A1_Workspace_V2_1
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