Supply chain performance has a big impact on consumers' perception of a company and its brand, says Bill Tomasi of IBS. He suggests that companies need to more actively incorporate SCM into their brand protection strategies.
A 2010 University of Florida study found humans began wearing clothing 170,000 years ago. Someone made those clothes from something, and that was the start of raw materials management. One could liberally argue early cave paintings of fur-bearing animals were the first inventory monitoring systems. RMM has come a long way, but we can do better.
Companies are looking more towards chief purchasing officers to help them understand supply chain risks, while firms which are collaborating and sharing information about their suppliers are reducing the cost of due diligence for themselves and making their business more competitive.
There's an episode of The Office TV show involving a prank on a hapless colleague in which the victim's desk contents - his stapler, pencil cup, plate, even his wallet-are stashed inside the office vending machine. It does not occur to any of the sitcom's characters to turn these hijinks into a business model, but now someone has.
Healthcare providers are adopting a networked approach, both for procurement and distribution of supplies. Robert Colosino, vice president of business development with Tecsys, outlines the advantages and implications of that strategy.
Arms-makers are going through a lean period. Some big contracts, such as ones to make bombers, trainer aircraft and drones, are still up for grabs in America, the world’s biggest spender. But it and other rich-world governments, struggling to curb their deficits, are trying ever harder to get the most bang for the fewest bucks.