Apple has been accused of relying on students working illegal overtime to build the iPhone X, through its contractor Foxconn, which manufactures the devices in Zhengzhou, China.
Levels of supply chain fraud remain high despite an increase in organizations using analytics to mitigate fraud, waste and abuse, according to a Deloitte survey.
Under a page headlined "Sweatshop Free Stories" on American Apparel's website is a video profile of a young Honduran man, Heber Lopez, a garment worker at one of the factories in San Antonio, Honduras responsible for producing the retailer's clothing.
An awful lot of ink is spilled in the business press about the pressure brick-and-mortar retailers feel from Amazon and e-commerce in general, but not nearly as much attention is paid to the challenge they feel from the secondary market.
Brick-and-mortar retail chains, known for sprawling stores that stock a bit of everything, are trying to lift sagging sales using a different strategy: cozier spaces that sell very little of anything.