Early forms of wearable devices have been popular in warehouses and distribution centers for a number of years. But the technology is growing rapidly in sophistication and application.
Challenge: A logistics service provider needed a smart and flexible platform for a new global client: an industrial manufacturer for the marine and energy sectors with complex aftermarket services. The client had limited visibility into service levels and costs across a global network of warehouses and carriers, and shipments were often remote, under strict time windows and required expediting.
Transportation management systems will play an increasingly important role in mitigating the challenges brought by e-commerce, according to a group of more than 350 shippers.
Boris Johnson’s officials are urgently working to avert a major border crisis when the U.K. leaves the European Union’s trade regime, amid warnings vital government IT systems may not be ready in time.
The latest news, analysis, trends and solutions regarding transportation management systems (TMS) and their impact on supply chain management. Today’s companies are moving goods across more suppliers, vendors and customers than ever before, and transportation management is critical in the overall supply chain. New technologies are optimizing productivity, increasing efficiency and cutting costs. Learn how companies around the world are improving supply chain operations through their strategic use of transportation management systems and software.
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