The day-to-day reality for American corporations is more complicated than simple proclamations about the need to bring back manufacturing, or buy more American-made products.
Thomas Goldsby, Professor & Haslam Chair in Logistics in the Supply Chain Management Department at the University of Tennessee, sketches a picture of how supply chains might be permanently changed by the pandemic, even as they adjust to its end.
Andrew Hogenson, global head of consumer goods, retail and logistics with Infosys Consulting, offers insight into the big-box retailing landscape when the pandemic subsides, and how retailers will have to adjust.
In this conversation with SupplyChainBrain Editor-in-Chief Bob Bowman, Tony Uphoff, President and Chief Executive Officer of ThomasNet, reveals the findings of the company’s latest North American Manufacturing Trends report, covering the fourth quarter of 2020.
Rhett Lindsey, founder and chief executive officer of Siimee, discusses the roots of hiring bias, and details the change in mindset that companies need to undergo in order to eliminate it.
China could import more cotton to replace fiber from Xinjiang that’s being rejected by some Western companies and threatens to hurt its booming textile export industry.