Surging e-commerce is generating more package deliveries than giant couriers can handle, but the logjam is spawning startups with new ways of speeding deliveries.
Ingrid Verschuren, head of data strategy with Dow Jones, reveals the findings of research showing a surge in modern slavery during the lockdown prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The U.S. Senate passed a bill that would ban all goods from or made in China’s Xinjiang region unless importers can prove they weren’t made with forced labor, a move that could potentially have widespread implications for the solar industry.
Disco Corp., a Japanese maker of semiconductor equipment, has a novel approach to remote work — those who choose to stay home pay the colleagues who brave the commute to show up in the office.
The U.S. labor market is entering one of its strangest summers ever, with a powerful economic rebound generating record demand for workers just as roadblocks distort employment and wage levels.