China's recent move to add the U.S. to a list of Zika-infected countries is worrying U.S. exporters, who fear they will be required to fumigate all containers destined for Chinese ports. The cost to fumigate a container ranges from between $100 and $200.
Chinese companies now account for more than 50 percent of the global active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) market. It has more than 500 companies registered to sell in the U.S. and 10 times that many serving its own market. But many of those continue to struggle to meet international standards.
Automakers embraced Takata's cheaper technology almost 20 years ago despite signs that it was unsafe. The airbags are now at the center of the auto industry's biggest recall.
Many Americans appear to believe that the exposure of their personal information on the internet is inevitable. But European regulators are having none of that.
From a technology perspective, the capabilities of drones are improving day by day - advancements in autonomous piloting, "sense and aware" technologies and increased battery life mean that delivery drones are now very much a potential for the future.
Since the changes in the freight broker bond requirements introduced by the MAP-21 legislation back in 2013, autumn has turned into the bond renewal season for the freight industry. In the next few months, about two thirds of the nearly 17,000 licensed freight brokers are expected to undergo the yearly surety bond renewal.