Are we on target for making zero-emission vehicles account for half of all cars sold in the U.S. by 2030? Not without enough rare earth minerals to build them.
When a fashion industry sustainability group called out China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims, the idea was to nudge Beijing toward human-rights reforms while cleaning up a troubled corner of the $60 billion global cotton business. Western brands have learned the hard way that things don’t work that way in China.
President Biden wants to break a logjam at U.S. ports and stave off a holiday season of shortages and delays — bottlenecks that officials and stakeholders say extend far beyond the reach of the White House.
One of the biggest challenges companies face when making changes to any supply chain is bringing together the various internal constituents involved in the process.
International Business Machines Corp. (IBM), a technology and IT consulting company, announced a suite of environmental intelligence software that leverages AI to help organizations prepare for and respond to weather and climate risks, assess their own impact on the planet and reduce the complexity of regulatory compliance and reporting.
Toyota and other automakers were hit hard by parts shortages because they failed to obtain visibility of their supply chains beyond tier-one suppliers, says Alkis Vazacopoulos, teaching associate professor in the Online Masters of Science in Business Intelligence and Analytics program at the Stevens Institute of Technology.
To be competitive in the years ahead, companies must deploy disruptive technology architecture that provides a single, real-time source of truth for all trading partners.