Adidas AG's new chief executive officer is doubling down on surging sales of casual sneaker lines like Stan Smith and Tubular to transform the German sportswear maker into a fast-fashion business and gain ground on larger rival Nike Inc.
Analyst Insight: Customer-focused initiatives are increasing the requirements placed on global supply chains, and companies are struggling to develop supply-chain organizations and capabilities with the speed, flexibility and cost control to meet these needs. There is opportunity for companies to drive greater efficiency, both internally and externally, through the use of emerging digital capabilities, advanced data analytics, and new collaboration models in their supply chains. – Andrew Prinz, associate partner, supply chain management, Infosys Consulting
Analyst Insight: Today, every business is a digital business. That means that every supply chain needs to be a digital supply network that unites not just physical flows but also talent, information and finance. This new breed of supply chains is more connected, intelligent, scalable and rapid than ever before and has the potential to help companies reap billions of dollars in new revenue and savings. – Gary Hanifan, managing director, Accenture Strategy, Operations Strategy
It's been the same drill for years: Ocean carriers and shippers talking service, then fixating on price. Is this disconnect finally about to be disrupted?
Analyst Insight: Soaring consumer expectations and new legislation for GMO labeling and food safety modernization are driving a major transformation in the food and beverage industry, and rapidly creating a new industry normal. Supply-chain standards and new packaging innovations can help industry keep up with and even anticipate the demands of increasingly engaged consumers. – Angela Fernandez, VP of Retail Grocery and Foodservice, GS1 US
Five years ago, the thought of $55-a-barrel oil would have given Piotr Galitzine heartburn. Now it's keeping one of his steel-pipe shops in Houston open 24/7 and fueling a flurry of orders.
The U.S. chalked up its largest trade deficit since March 2012 as a jump in merchandise imports in January exceeded a smaller gain in shipments overseas.
Fluid Management Technology Pty Ltd. (FMT), a specialist in fuel tank management, has developed an RFID- and Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled solution for clients that need to accurately monitor their fuel consumption. The backbone of the system is a device that the company calls the SmartFill GEN 2, which helps prevent theft by restricting fuel dispensal only to authorized users.
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